Category Archives: Hannam-dong 한남동
Greenbasket – Eat Your Greens!
This fat foodie is on a diet. A combination of a leg injury and a group of friends who drink to make sailors look soberView full post »
Pizzeria D’Buzza 부자피자 – Simple, Incredible Pizza
Pizzeria D’Buzza is famous mostly for its three week reservation wait list. However, it’s not so incredibleView full post »
May Bell Bakery (메이벨 베이커리오월의종). Warm Smiles and Warm Bread
Quant, friendly, and warm are all adjectives I thought I’d never use to describe anything in Itaewon. But lo andView full post »
Donga Naengmyeon (동아 냉면) – Some Great Naengmyun
Today’s feature is on a naengmyeon place introduced to me by my mother a few months back. I pass through thisView full post »