Hi. I’m Dustin. I’m a pho-addict. On several occasions I’ve eaten pho everyday for weeks. Many times I’ve eaten pho multiple times a day. And I’ve traveled foolish distances for good pho. I’m telling you this so you can understand just how dismayed I am with the subpar quality of Pho in Seoul. In my opinion, all of the large pho chains – Pho Bay, Pho Hoa, etc – are atrocious and insulting. However, after 2.5 years of chasing every suggestion of “the best pho”, I’ve found a handful of about 5 restaurants that I find quite good. Little Saigon is on the top of that list. It’s not the level of the California Pho I grew up on, but it satisfies the addiction.
Little Saigon was one of the first spots in Seoul to serve pho and it’s been very successful. The Pho soup tastes authentic, meaning I’m guessing they use little artificial soup stock. The meat is good quality and not the fat filled stuff found at many other places. I can’t speak for any other items on the menu, but from looking at plates on other people’s tables, it looks good.
The service is friendly and abundant. Even on busy Saturday afternoons there are always several waiters standing around waiting to help, and are quickly responsive.
Tip: Pho in Korea usually isn’t served with cilantro, but they all have it on request. The Korean word is 고수 KohSoo.
Coming from California, we had to try the cannabia beer.
Unfortunately the place is a little hard to find, and even though I’ve been there over a dozen times, I still get lost. Take a close look at the map, you should be able to find it.
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[…] the absolute best pho place in Seoul. I talked in some length about my obsession with pho in the post for my previously favorite pho joint. In short, Pho is my favorite food and I have a good palate for it. With that said, Little Papa Pho […]
the taste of Vietnamese Noodle Soup (Phở) is varied to suit the tastes of Korean people.The most familiar dish here is beef noodle soup, priced from 8,000 to 12,000 won (about VND 150,000-230,000). In addition, the shop also serves other dishes like noodle spring rolls, salad, etc. (source from http://hanoi-online.net/?p=2273)